Uns Players pra vcs curtirem uns charmes das antigas aê !
Ready or Not - G. GROOVE
Hold On - Sounds Of Blackness
Hold On (Change Is Comin)
Sounds Of Blackness
Verse 1
Yesterday, a man stepped to me, said,
how can you smile when your world is crumbling down,
I said, heres my secret when I wanna cry,
I take a look around and I see that im getting by,and I hold on..
Hold on, change is coming, hold on, don't ya worry about a thang,
hold on, you can make it, hold on everything will be alright..
Verse 2
Some people like to worry, some people like to hide, some people like to run away
from the pain inside, now dats yo bussiness
Do whatever you wanna do, but if it don't work out heres what you ought to do..hold on
Verse 3
When the troubles of life, weigh ya down, jus lift ya head up, ya,ya,yea
When the love you seek,is hard to find,
Don't give up just be strong, keep the faith and hold on..
Party all Night - Kreuz
Party All Night
Party on, Party on, Part All Night, House Party.
Party on Party All Night.
Party on, Party on, Part All Night, House Party.
Party on Party All Night.
Come on over to my place, and have a real good time.
We are all in a party mood, with one thing on our mind.
Don't you worry, Don't you worry and on
The party is jumping won't you give your friends a call.
Party on Party on Part All Night, House Party.
Party on Party All Night.
(there's a party on)
Party on Party on Part All Night, House Party.
Party on Party All Night.
(There's a party party party on)
All the girl them a party
All the men them are party
See everybody party
Come on and Party
Oh we tapa Hey Oh we tapa Ho
Oh we tapa
What all the girl them a party
All the man them a party
It's four o'clock in the morning
And the party is getting ran
I pour myself some champagne wine and watch the ladies Jam
The ladies dancing, so fine on my mind
Got it going on, got it going on
(Got it going on and On)
Party on Party on Part All Night, House Party.
(Yea we're talking about a party)
Party on Party All Night.
(Got it going on)
Party on Party on Part All Night, House Party.
(here we go)
Party on Party All Night.
(Down to the party)
All the girl them a party
(Party hey)
All the men them are party
(party ho)
See everybody party
(Party hey)
Come on and Party
(Party ho)
Oh we tapa Hey Oh we tapa Ho
Oh we tapa (Hey) Oh we ta
What all the girl them a party
All the man them a party
The man R-kelly him a party
Anywhere he a party
The one chaka-demus a party
Aaliyah party, the girls En'Vogue them a party
Win marshal a party
The whole bus crew them a party, Lord have mercy.
Party on Party on Part All Night, House Party.
(Everybody party on)
Party on Party All Night.
(Come on and party on, you got it)
Party on Party on Part All Night, House Party.
(You got that vibe)
Party on Party All Night.
(Honey, Move that body)
Party on Party on Part All Night, House Party.
(Oh oh that party vibe)
Party on Party All Night.
Party on Party on Part All Night, House Party.
(Party party vibe, party party party vibe, party party party party
party party party vibe)
Party on Party.
(Talking about a party, house party)
Party on, Party All Night
(Talking about a party, house party)
Party on Party.
(Talking about a party, house party)
Party on, Party All Night
(Talking about a party, house party)
*** Essa letra é uma longa historia. Nunca consegui achar na internet. Procurei muito por toda parte e achei um fórum onde rolava o assunto dessa musica... Mas não tinha a letra. Era um forum de black music gringo.
Tinha um contato do gmail de um dos user do tal forum, ai entrei em contato pra ver se o cara me mandava a letra da musica. Claro qusei o Google Tradutor.
O cara me respondeu. Mas não tinha a letra e nem escontrou na internet dos gringos.
Como sou leigo em inglês, pensei que minha ignorancia não tinha encontrado. O cara disse que não tinha encontrado também.
Porém o bróder era gente boa... E me enviou a letra por e-mail. Postei no Letras do Terra...
Agora ta facil de encontrar.
Tempo vai e tempo vem, contatei o brófer pra agradecer. Ai a surpresa: o bróder era uma mina.
Keith Sweat - Twisted
Tom Tom Club - Genius of Love
Surface - Happy
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Sobre Allex Garcia & PampaRemix
- AllexGarcia
- SG_PoA_AlvCity, RS, Brazil
- São Gabriel, RS. Julho de 1980. Gaucho da terra dos marechais criado na Capital Gaucha. Residente na tenebrosa Alvorada City. Admirador e consumidor assíduo de BlackMusic e musicas de onde se origina cultura. Fã de M.Jackson, Charme e Hip-Hop. Mais info, vou postando no PampaRemix, onde vc vai encontrar info sobre Musica, Filmes, HQ, Cults, N.E.R.D., Fórum, Downloads, e muitas parafernalhas sem noção. (Por motivos óbvios, atualmente, vc não encontrara links de videos nem musica para downloads) vamos ver oque se pode fazer com o tempo.
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